Reading some of the diatribes from the right at conservatard news-aggregator sites like freetardrebooblic can be kind of funny. The desperation! The flopsweat! The misspellings! Its too bad you have to wade through 30 different kinds of hatred to do it.
And cable nooze certainly isn't any better. Last night seemed to be a non-stop reading from the rethug bible, as segment after segment carped on "the handshake"and criticism from the rightwingnut noise machine. And that was before I switched over to Faux. Just seeing a few seconds of Glenn Beck in a cozy circlejerk with two of the ugliest vermin on television -- porcine antichrist Karl Rove and no-talent assclown John Bolton -- was enough to send me running for my scotch glass.
I may be done with this whole "news" thing. At least until next time. ☺
April 21, 2009
I went to Wingnuttia and all I got was this fucking hangover
Posted by
4/21/2009 04:23:00 PM
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Listening to those bloviating racist
blowhards would give any normal person a skull crushing headache.
Only drink good quality scotch. It will save your life. Or make you think it's saving your life. Whatever.
it's why scotch was made, cause we have to occasionally listen to blowhards in life.
maru, have you seen the new Ron White routine? on comedy central?
he said he finds it ironic that the very product he uses to protect his couch and clothes from his drink spills is called Scotch Guard!!!
Boy Maru, you've got a WHOLE lot more stamina than I when it comes to exploring the political dark-side. Watching Bolton & Rove alone would result in a broken TV screen - - add another knob like Glenn Beck and I'd suffer a psychotic break with reality and probably wake up in jail not recalling the threats I made to numerous Repukes, both living and dead! You gotta remember, neo-cons are why they sell TV's with 'off' switches!
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