April 17, 2009

Poll: majority of Texans say 'don't mess with the US'

On the heels of Alamo 2: the Insult, a new Rasmussen poll finds that 75% of Texas voters would opt to remain in the United States. Only 18% would vote to secede, and seven percent (7%) were so totally embarrassed by the stupidity of the whole thing they refused to dignify the poll with a vote.


Grandpa Eddie said...

Sounds like Perry is stumping the wrong group of voters if he wants to get re-elected.

Poor guy in the pic shaved 'em and didn't even get teabagged.

Heh...sucks not to get sucked.

Grandpa Eddie said...

Maru, you ever notice that the two largest states have more idiots and morons than the rest of the country put together?

Anonymous said...

this made me LOL even before my first coffee this morning:

from www.talkingpointsmemo.com

"With the apparent desire of some Texans to secede from the United States, one cost conscious eBayer has taken it upon themselves to place the state on the auction block and sell it off to the highest bidder as a way of defraying the cost of the bank bailout and possibly some portion of the national debt.

The minimum bid for Texas was set at $100,000. But it's already been bid up to over $65 million."