April 17, 2009

We've always been at war with Obasia

Skanky hosebag Michelle Malkin opines on Faux Nooze/wingnuttia's glorious day of revolution:

"A quarter-million people took time off in the middle of the workweek..."

Uh, really? From the pics most of them seemed to be senior citizens babysitting their grandkids. But whatever. I'm sure you guys would never think of fudging the numbers.


Grandpa Eddie said...

...and a bunch of wife-beating rednecks who wouldn't go to work if ya handed 'em a job.

Anonymous said...

Never mind the douchebags in DC, where it was cold and raining, and who were too stupid to get the proper permits for their performance art, so it was all a big ol' waste of time.

Solid work, conservatives.


LanceThruster said...

And yet the millions protesting the Iraq war was dismissed as marginal.