Another day, another IronyMeter
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is engaging in a "despicable, dishonest and vicious political effort" to withhold what she knew about the CIA's harsh interrogation techniques, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Friday.
Pelosi is a 'trivial politician, viciously using partisanship for the narrowest of purposes,' said the newly-baptized Catholic Gingrich, himself no stranger to viciously using partisanship for the narrowest of purposes.

These idiots think it's a game to see who can get elected as opposed to actually running the country for it's citizens. They can all go to hell.
Let's not forget Bill Hick's quote about Rush Limbaugh:
"Doesn’t Rush Limbaugh remind you of one of those gay guys that lie in a tub and let other men pee on them. Am I the only one? Can’t you just see his fat body in a tub while Regan, Quale and Bush just stand around pissing on him, and his little piggly wiggly dick can’t get hard - - - “uh, I can’t get hard. Regan, pee in my mouth.” Regan: “Well, how’s that Rush?” Still can’t get hard so they call in Barbara Bush. She takes her pearls off. Puts them up his ass. Then squats over him. Undoes her girtle. Her wrinkled, flaccid labia, unfolds half way down to her knees; like some ball-less scrotum.
She squeezes out a link into his mouth. Finally his dick gets half-hard. A little clear bubble forms on the end, with a maggot inside. The maggot pops the bubble and runs off to start a pro-life group somewhere." - - - Bill Hicks
Also, just as hypocritical, is --as Robert Parry/ConsortiumNews understatedly remarked -- the political fact that " is a strange characteristic of today’s Washington that Pelosi’s failure to protest an action by a Republican President has drawn a more unified condemnation than Bush’s actions did." It's like someone hearing about an acquaintance murdering someone but not saying anything about it to authorities, and then being criticized MORE than the murderer himself when the truth finally comes out! But that's "family values" in Repuke-land..
Thanks, Maru, for an image I won't be soon forgetting.
You rock.
As usual.
another IronyMeter© destroyed by a rushpublitard --
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