The WaComPo (among others) continues to embrace and enthusiastically fellate conservatards -- despite the past eight years of them being wrong on absolutely everything -- and even their "journalistic" brethren are getting disgusted with them.
'Even as the power balance has shifted – and many readers have dumped their subscriptions – the Washington comPost has chosen to remain a neocon bastion, turning its op-ed page into something of a clearing-house' for conservative mental and moral midgetry by incorporating the tired, fetid suckholes of lies known as 'GOP talking points' every chance it gets, says Robert Parry:
These days, the Washington Post has the look of one of those Southern newspapers in the 1960s standing firm for segregation as the wave of civil rights swept across the region. Except for the Post, the blind commitment is to neoconservatism.
The Post editors probably believe they are upholding some twisted journalistic principle, defying the views of most readers in a city that has a large African-American population, voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, and shows little sympathy for the neocons who rode roughshod over so many when George W. Disaster was in power...
As the Post faces today’s economic crisis amid talk that it may not survive as a going-concern, the newspaper may look for sympathy from the community that it purports to serve. But the Post’s endless excuses for the crimes of the Bush misadministration have left many readers with an ambivalent sense of whether the Post deserves to survive.
The Post editors probably believe they are upholding some twisted journalistic principle, defying the views of most readers in a city that has a large African-American population, voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, and shows little sympathy for the neocons who rode roughshod over so many when George W. Disaster was in power...
As the Post faces today’s economic crisis amid talk that it may not survive as a going-concern, the newspaper may look for sympathy from the community that it purports to serve. But the Post’s endless excuses for the crimes of the Bush misadministration have left many readers with an ambivalent sense of whether the Post deserves to survive.
-- more awesomeness here.

1 comment:
I really like the Parry's 'ConsortiumNews.Com' website for good, serious political commentary & reporting. Robert Parry actually has a background in reporting with Newsweek, but he didn't last there because he didn't tow their semi- conservative line back in the Reagan 80's when it came to reporting on Central America. It's on my daily site list...
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