May 13, 2009

GOP icon declares his party "brain dead"

This is priceless: Federal judge Richard A Posner -- the first judge appointed to the bench by Saint Ronnie in 1981 -- is feeling all verklempt:

My theme is the intellectual decline of conservatism, and it is notable that the policies of the new conservatism are powered largely by emotion and religion and have for the most part weak intellectual groundings. That the policies are weak in conception, have largely failed in execution, and are political flops is therefore unsurprising.

The major blows to conservatism, culminating in the election and programs of Obama, have been fourfold:

1. The failure of military force to achieve U.S. foreign policy objectives;

2. The inanity of trying to substitute will for intellect, as in the denial of global warming;

3. The use of religious criteria in the selection of public officials, the neglect of management and expertise in government;

4. A continued preoccupation with abortion; and

Well, OK, five. Make that six. Whatever:

5. Fiscal incontinence in the form of massive budget deficits, the Medicare drug plan, excessive foreign borrowing, and asset-price inflation.

By the fall of 2008, the face of the Republican Party had become Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber. Conservative intellectuals had no party.

Your tears. They are so sweet. So very, very sweet.


Grandpa Eddie said...

I'm glad he waited til now to say anything. If he had said this 4 years ago the Rethugs may have still been in power now.

big em said...

I don't believe that the Republican conservatives EVER have/had any serious 'intellectual' underpinnings -- it's more a case of a more sophisticated shield that people like Buckley, Will, and a few others could erect to cloak their true, basic beliefs (ie; power & wealth should 'naturally' accrue to white males -- everything else is wrong). They use intelligence to obfuscate rather than enlighten...