Impotent junkie El Pigbo built his career by being a divisive, bigoted demagogue -- so those offended by Wanda Sykes jokes need to get a life, says this guy:
For years Limbaugh and his ilk have had no problem calling folks they don’t agree with un-American, socialists, fascists, feminazis, etc. They also rail against political correctness run amok -- HOWEVER, whenever anyone swings back and lands a punch they scream bloody murder.
As for President Obama laughing at a joke about a man who calls him an Halfrican American, Barack the Magic Negro and has wished that he will fail? Get over it and get a life... Limbaugh had it coming.
As for President Obama laughing at a joke about a man who calls him an Halfrican American, Barack the Magic Negro and has wished that he will fail? Get over it and get a life... Limbaugh had it coming.
Yeah. So quit your damned whining. Pussies.

did you see that Limbaugh is calling out [black] Obama for secretly wanting to dole out reparations to his [BLACK!] supporters?
Yeah, Rush Limbaugh is a delicate flower who only speaks truth and blesses the world with his graciousness every single day. He surely does need big strong GOPers to defend him.
The WATB need to STFU!
Thanks for linking to Windy City Watch
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