May 6, 2009


The gpukes' new "rebranding" group, the National Council for a New America, takes their marching orders from Rush Limbaugh.

Gee. I didn't see THAT coming.
/sarcasm off.

Bonus: the impotent junkie calls Palin the "most articulate voice for conservatism." In other news, somebody's back on the Oxycontin. Here's Mr Limbaugh, discussing the NCNA:

Something else you have to understand is these people hate Palin too. They despise Sarah Palin, they fear Sarah Palin, they don't like her either. She's, according to them she's embarrassing ... Clearly, in last year's campaign, the most prominent, articulate voice for standard, run-of-the-mill, good old-fashioned American conservatism was Sarah Palin. Now, everybody on this Speak to America tour has presidential perspirations [sic]. Mitt Romney there, he wants to be president again. Jeb may someday. Eric Cantor, some of the others, McCain — I don't think he does, but you never know. So this is an early campaign event, 2012 presidential campaign, primary campaign, with everybody there but Sarah Palin.

BarbinMD adds:

And a few hours later, Eric Cantor announced that Palin would be joining the NCNA's "panel of experts."

Of course he did!

Oh, and poor Mitt doesn't stand a chance if Limpbaugh is pulling for a Pres Palin. Sweet.


Grandpa Eddie said...

Yessiree, they be takin' orders from Jabba da Hut!

"...good old-fashioned American conservatism."

Funny, she don't look anything like Abe or Ike.

Anonymous said...

Damn right I'm "afraid" of Palin. I don't want that ignorant wingnut anywhere near the new-clee-yer launch codes.

lindaqqq said...

I hope limpballs pushes for her in '12. The Wasilla hillbillies provided much comic relief watching them put the fun in dysfunctional

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Give it up Rush, she ain't never gonna fuck your fat, ugly pimply white ass.

Niccolo M said...

“They despise Sarah Palin.......they don't like her either”
You would think that even someone as dumb as Limpbag would have a basic grasp of what is redundant.