May 5, 2009

Sorry, this just sounds made-up

Some hyperventilating douche at breitbart.cumstain gets paid for writing this shit:

Recently, at the office (a place I sometimes affectionately refer to as Obama Central), I made the mistake of printing out a Washington Post editorial that questioned the foreign policy expertise of our new Commander-in-Chief. By the time I got to the printer to pick it up, someone else had already seen it - and stamped “DENIED” across the top of the page in red ink. Next to that was scrawled, “RIGHT WINGER GO HOME.” The first thing that went through my mind was: cross burnings.

Cross burnings????? Even if it DID actually happen, you equate that to CROSS BURNINGS???

The second was: maybe I should go home, as I seem to have forgotten my pants again.

There, fixed it. God, what an imbecile. And, I'm sorry, outside of maybe a 6-year-old, nobody would write "right winger go home" -- unless one of his rethug buddies did it as a joke. THAT I can see.


A World Quite Mad said...

He should learn to get to the copier quicker next time XD

Yeah, I don't see anyone doing that over a newspaper article. Unless it was payback for something else, and someone did it out of spite for something that happened between them prior. Randomness of something like that jut rings false.

BTW, these bastards who equate civil rights with their "oppression" don't have a clue one about what real oppression is. They're too busy living in their McMansion, playing golf on the weekends, and racking up more credit card debt.

Grandpa Eddie said...

And in a free country we have to allow people like this vote.

big em said...

Sure sounds like urban myth-bullshit to me, especially when most corporate workplaces are inherently politically conservative in nature(after all, they ain't non-profit/socialistic organizations, last time I checked, and they don't knowingly hire those types of managers to oversee them). And wasn't it just a few years ago that Bush's press secretary (I forget which toady it was) was warning people that 'they should be careful what they say', a less than thinly veiled threat, and a LOT closer to 'cross burning' than some guys jerking around at work. Hell, the Repukes/Neo-cons have almost perfected politically intimidating rhetoric these last 30'ish years, and this 'reverse-victimization' is part of their stock-and-trade in that practice.

Anonymous said...

I agree with y'all -- its probably an out and out lie, like that silly cow in Pittsburgh carving B on her face.

These people are sick, sick, sick. I don't trust a word they say. Bloggin on my local paper's letter's page has been a revelation in real live wingnuttery. When they aren't making shit up they are calling you (well me) a liar and hatemonger for quoting Thomas Jefferson to prove he was a liberal secularist who believed in progressive taxation. These people cannot recognize or appreciate the truth. I really think Repugism is a mental disorder.

Chris Vosburg said...

Recently, at the office (a place I sometimes affectionately refer to as Obama Central), I made the mistake of printing out a Washington Post editorial that questioned the foreign policy expertise of our new Commander-in-Chief.Why? So you could post it on the company bulletin board to annoy your co-workers?

Thanks for making me wait for my docs in the print queue while your bullshit ephemera is cranking out, bastard. Glad we could pay for the ink, paper, and your time too, bastard.