In their 3 hour primetime block, Faux Nutwork hosts spent a grand total of one minute & forty seconds talking about the domestic terrorism incident at the Holocaust Museum. The same asswipes who spent days shrieking about the DHS report, and the recruitment center shooting "not being covered by CNN."
[Bloated, neo-nazi ignoramus] Sean Hannity, whose show follows O’Reilly’s, never once mentioned the Holocaust Museum shooting — though he did discuss Miss California’s firing...
... with his special guests: a pompous adulterer and a bitter tranny with the herp.
"As for FNC's decision about how to report the Holocaust Museum shooting in prime time, it was mentioned for 55 seconds by [a grudgingly obtuse] O'Reilly, not at all by Sean Hannity and for 45 seconds by Greta Van Susteren."
Bill O' spent more time railing about gay penguins than covering the biggest news story of the day. Well done. **snort**

I wonder if they didn't cover it because they realized that the bastard was one of their own.
I've gotta hand it to Shepard Smith, he covered it quite well, along with the extremist emails they've been getting at Fuks Nuz.
Here's the link to what I posted on Shep's coverage...
I noticed that too, that Fox's nighttime coverage was so low key it was pretty much nonexistent. Was it due to editorial awkwardness, ie, they simply didn't know how to cover the shooting without offending their own viewers?
And Grandpa Eddie is right about Shep -- although now the wingnuts have a campaign going to have Fox News fire him.
It's getting tougher and tougher in America to be a high-school history or science teacher, a late-night talk show host, or a Fox News personality who gets rattled by freak mail.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I tottaly agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
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