June 18, 2009

Questions in Promise Breaker scandal remain

Senator/hypocrite John "sanctity of marriage" Ensign's mistress and her cuckolded pussy of a husband wonder why he decided to open his yap-hole after they allegedly took all that hush money.

For the Republican Party, however, Ensign's admission is the equivalent of punching a reeling boxer in the gut. He was supposed to help lead the GOP back to viability after a string of sex and corruption scandals {♩♬♫ - Ed. ☺}, a devastating 2008 election and the recent defection of flipflopping psycho Arlen Specter to the Democrats.

Yet the fallout is just beginning.

Ensign, a so-called champion of fiscal conservatism, is facing questions about payments to homebreaking hussy Cynthia Hampton, her pathetically squishy husband, Doug, and their 19-year-old-son, Brandon, who was paid $5,400 by the National Republican Payoff and Senatorial Committee between March and August 2008.

Rethug family values: the family that stays together gets paid together. Awesome.


big em said...

Another sector of Repuke-lican job-creation -- bribery/extortion.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Another living metaphor for the party of lying, stealing, corrupt hypocrites.

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