While the rightwingnuttosphere remains quiet on double-family-destroying itchypants Senator Ensign, they certainly are making a squawk over Barbara Boxer, who had the temerity to bonk an aide umm, cheat on her husba errr, disappear from the bosom of her fami uhhh, ask someone to call her 'Senator.'
Dennis Prager at conservatard site towndump.com is appalled -- appalled! at such affrontery, such horror. Of course he is.
To object to being called sir or ma'am by anyone, especially a member of the military and especially a high ranking member of the military is to betray an ignorance of the military and a tone deafness to civility that is appalling in anyone, especially a member of the United States Senate.
Second, and both more revealing and more instructive, is to understand how inconceivable it would be for a male senator to make such comments.
Second, and both more revealing and more instructive, is to understand how inconceivable it would be for a male senator to make such comments.
Fucking women!! Leave it to da bitches! Men would never behave so inappropriately!
No, Mr Prager, YOU are the embarrassment. Is this what you've chosen to gnash your teeth about today? Honestly. I'm sure wifey # 3 can find something better for you to do.
Second, and both more revealing and more instructive, is to understand how inconceivable it would be for a male senator to make such comments.
Indeed, it WOULD be inconceivable to imagine anyone but Lindsey Graham, who is probably squishing in her.. errmmm... his seat to be called "Ma'am," including Barney Frank, appreciating being called anything but their actual title-- "Senator."
I'm not one to deny any man or woman his or her fetish, mind you, but really... A Senator is to be called "Senator."
Maru, I know you have no shortage of suitors, but, I can guarantee to be able to keep you in real Cubans, in the roll of your choice, and super-fresh organic veggies and eggs, forever. Just sayin'. For you, I'm cool with a "long-distance" "marriage." Even one that's errrmmmm... just pretend.
And "Go fuck your self" is the GOP form of civility?
And Bush once stopped a press conference when a reporter didn't preface his question with, Mr. President,....".
Funny that this dolt didn't write about that "tone deafness to civility" at the time.
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