July 8, 2009

ABA gives Sotomayor highest rating

The American Bar Association joined the American Basketball Association and the American Boxing Association in giving Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor its highest rating in a unanimous decision, thrilling the Obama administration.

"The Bush White House, remember, famously discarded the ABA recommendation system," CBS News chief legal analyst Andrew Cohen said helpfully, after the organization ranked all of Bush's nominees as obsequious, talentless political hacks.

A spokesman for the ABA told the UP that they are already bracing for the inevitable catcalls of 'lieberal activist judges!' by legions of knuckledragging Lim-bots, saying "These assholes are so goddamn stupid they'd fuck their own mothers, if they could get it up."


julian said...

The ABA is not any liberal or progressive organization. In fact, they have a bad history of racism and anti-Semitism. In response to their biased and un-inclusive policies the National Lawyers Guild was established. NLG is the organization that you should consult on the true progressive chops of any judicial nominee.

Bush appointees Alito and Roberts also received the ABA's "well qualified" rating. It just means the jurist is experienced, hasn't been dis-barred and hasn't killed anyone lately.

julian said...

For more information, and a sample of the voice of reason, see below:


ThePoliticalCat said...

Well, in all fairness, when the ABA gives someone top billing, it means that even the reactionary crusty ancients who came up through the old boy network at the Top Ten thought the nominee was eminently qualified as a member of the profession.

While the NLG is far superior in terms of progressive credentials, its recommendation doesn't carry the same "approved by everybody and God" weight the ABA's does.

maru said...

eggzakly, Cat! Thank you!