July 17, 2009

Legendary halfwit Bill "always wrong" Kristol retains his record

You thought I was kidding about it being Stupid Day, didn't you? Boy, its been one thing after another. Here, Kristol the Klown sits down for an interview with Australian Broadcasting Corporation to talk about the state of US conservatardism and neocon pin-up Sarah Palin:

LEIGH SALES: We heard part of her press conference in that story, and the reporter said it had been described as rambling. What did you think of it?

KRISTOL: You know, I rather liked it. I mean, she wrote her own statement. It wasn't the most beautifully crafted, elegant, speechwriter-produced, professionally-marketed statement, but it seems to me, frankly, if a liberal had made a statement like that, people would have said, "You know, it's great - it's refreshing to have someone right [sic] her own stuff and be honest and straightforward and not be totally packaged."

Oh good gravy. Get a fucking grip. And rethugs would be blathering about needing teleprompters and wearing earth tones or something. Jeebus Christ.

KRISTOL: The liberal media here …

Oh fuck me.

KRISTOL: The liberal media here are so hostile to Governor Palin, that she has a kind of - she speaks her mind and it's described as rambling.

Kristol then went into a huuuuge rambling whargarbll about Palin rambling, and I nodded off.


Cirze said...

Thanks for commenting on this bit of drivel, Maru. Good to know someone's keeping an eye on them.

I can't do it anymore - gives me the bends.

Is that Driftglass' pic?

So loverly.



big em said...

Yeah, that 'liberal media' - - picking on a conservative every time he/she says 2 + 2 = 5... that's horrible, alright. Why can't they just leave the fundie wallow in their ignorance and let society devolve into a new Dark Ages??

You KNOW the pander-monium is starting, that the SERIOUS bull-shitting is beginning, when they bring out that 'liberal media' canard. It's a sign that any even half-way serious argument they had (or THOUGHT they had) has been destroyed/refuted and now they're trying to 'kill the messenger'.

thesmoots said...

that's palin-monium. def. = whining loud enough to panic the right wing off a cliff