August 12, 2009

Weeping psycho now has something to cry about

Corporations are pulling their advertising from frenzied nutter Glenn Beck's loonbag show:

Adding to a growing list of advertisers distancing themselves from controversial Fox News [sic] personality Glenn Beck, GEICO has pledged to re-direct their advertisements away from Beck's program. The decision by GEICO comes on the heels of announcements made last week that LexisNexis-owned, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, Sargento and SC Johnson were distancing themselves from Beck after the host called President Obama a "racist" who "has a deep-seated hatred for white people."
Karma sucks, doesn’t it, asshole?

Pic from the intarweb.

1 comment:

big em said...

NOW it's starting to REALLY get serious for the right-wing squawk-radio/TV 'personalities'... people dying in phony vanity wars/democracy decaying/bankrupt country - - that's all well and good -- but ADVERTISERS pulling their support!? Maybe it's time to tone down the craziness a notch.