Mayor of Glenn Beck's hometown to present him with key to city during ‘Closeted Neonazi Loon Glenn Beck Day.’ Winner of the Biggest KKK Hat contest to be awarded tomorrow.
The mayor's office was besieged by so many phone calls Wednesday that his assistant rerouted them to a different city office, which promptly set up a site derogatory to the mayor’s office on FaceBook.Idiots. Maybe next year you could honor the guy who spent the most nights in the town drunk-tank!
"We've gotten phone calls from people who are very upset. People are threatening not to shop here, things like that," said Kristen Whitener, director of Mount Vernon's Chamber of Commerce. "I think it's unfortunate that some of the phone calls we're getting from people are being negative to Mount Vernon because of it. I hope they would understand that one decision by one person doesn't reflect everybody.
"I hope that it won't put us in a negative light," she said.
Fun fact: when Mayor Bud Norris asked the City Council members if they wanted tickets to the event, “six of the seven declined.”
They'll probably end up getting their windows broken.

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I heard a bunch of signs around town read:
Change the Locks
I gather that if Ted Bundy had been from that town, they'd have thrown a party for him as well.
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