September 13, 2009

Sunday Morning True Confessions and General Awesomenessitudery Turn On's


Every time I think of the amazing compliment and opportunity our own Maru gave me in letting me contribute to her blog, I think of how wonderful it would have been to have actually been a true writer. Someone adept and amazing at putting emotions, thoughts and ideas into a cohesive and easily understood written piece that would/could contribute to, well, the blog but also anything else, like "national discourse", "the human condition", beating down the contards, or something, while entertaining the masses or at least 2 or 3 peeps somewhere.
There are so many out there who are so amazing in that respect. One of my fav's is Frank Rich. I don't say I always agree with him, but cannot recall off hand when I didn't, and today he just knocked one out of the park IMHO. Give him a read.
I figure if I can't write like that, I can at least direct traffic to someone who can when I'm particularly taken.
On a similar note, I want to state here openly that of all the writers that there are out there, and my fav list is a long one, there are 3 I'd like to mention here who I am completely unabashedly in love with. Maybe by making the declaration, I'll sleep better at night, though I doubt that since unrequited love has NOTHING to do with my lost, suffering and dwindling, non-existent 401K (the TRUE daemon who keeps me up and tossing and turning).....but what the hey. Confession is good for the soul, so they say.

And they are:

The Busted Knuckles, Ornery Bastard guy, I LOVE that guy! His blog as well cause he channels my inner self unlike anyone else I've ever read, and he's a seasoned professional drinker and still some level of functional, which impresses the hell outa me. I SO DO that irritating right click thing when I'm SUI (Surfing Under the Influence)!!!

Tom Chartier from Lew, (a friend, actually, the only one I have who lives in the Caymans and one astounding writer who always makes me laugh in a wry "NO SHIT" kinda way), plus he's a punk rocker from way back Grunge Scene guy who just takes my breath away,

and (and these are NOT to be construed to be in any particular order, as I really don't DO "order" much in my life),

Even tho I KNOW he's happily married, Bob Cesca, see his blog here. He's another one who just nails the hell out of ANYONE who happens onto his radar and it is one bleak day for the conservatard who makes THAT MISTAKE!
Glad THAT'S off my chest.
We really are blessed that these three are on "our side" in this thing. But the riechtards really are NOT known for their literary minds these days, now are they? Any ol' one can fling poo.
The aforementioned are real artists! Enjoy checking them out.
And share in comments your fav's. If you love Maru like I do, I bet you have some great other loves as well. Share!!!
WE all LOVE a good ranter!!! A pro bitcher. Who couldn't use another one in their life?

And Sunday morning round's for the house on me!!! Home made Kahlua in your coffee anyone??


Anonymous said...

The Ron Paul libertarians at give me a headache.

Anonymous said...

that's what the kahlua is for, and Tom's not one of those. he & i know what ya mean tho.

karen marie said...

i'm with you on Ornery Bastard ... he's a man after my own heart, but I have to give a shout-out to The Edge of the American West who put things in perspective.

Phil said...

Hold still while I grab yer ass and kiss you deeply.

Thanks for the shout out honey!

Anonymous said...

Yeah A BIG FAT thank you from me too. Good fill-in 4 3 days or so vac for maru!!!!????

(now maru cn u plz send siri back 2 hi-skool or MyFace or wherever n take back ur blog? thkbye)

ArchieG said...

One of the best writers out there is Driftglass. Sometimes long winded but always worth the read.

Anonymous said...

Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Sipilis
Obat Herbal Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Kencing Nanah Ampuh
Obat Kelamin Keluar Nanah
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Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kencing Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah
Obat Kemaluan Keluar Nanah