Guns don't kill people, idiots with guns kill people.
If you outlaw guns, only idiots will have guns.
If only the kids, the family dog, the neighbors, the meter reader and the paperboy had guns, a tragedy like THIS could have been prevented:
A Pennsylvania woman who drew national attention for carrying a loaded handgun to her daughter’s soccer game has been shot and killed in an apparent murder-suicide, the Lebanon Daily News reports. Meleanie Hain, 31, of Lebanon, Pa., and her husband, Scott Hain, 33, were found dead after a two-hour standoff with police Wednesday night, the AP reports. Hain was dubbed the ‘pistol-packin’ mom’ after wearing her holstered 9mm Glock pistol to her 5-year-old daughter’s soccer match in 2008.Perhaps guns should be mandatory. Maybe President Hussein should pay money to everyone to buy "liberty guns" with vouchers for unlimited "freedom ammo." There is nothing more important in America than good ole American personal security.
The Lebanon Daily News says Lebanon police Chief Daniel Wright is providing little information aside from acknowledging that both were found dead and that he did not think anyone else was involved. The district attorney likewise refuses comment. The paper quotes several neighbors as saying they heard or saw the couple’s children’s running from the house screaming, “Daddy shot Mommy!” shortly before the 911 was called.The paper also quotes one neighbor, Debbie Mise, as saying she feared something bad would eventually happen at the Hain home. “She just wasn’t right,” Mise said of Meleanie Hain, the paper reports. “You don’t bring a gun to a kids’ soccer game, and you don’t wear a gun when you go shopping at Kohl’s.”
One has to really feel sorry for the kids but what the hell, mommy and daddy still were clinging on to their second amendment rights that Obama Hussein was just about to take away and they went out doing what they love.
God Bless America.
Addendum: From a commenter
Indeed, doooood.

I had intended to leave a snarky comment, but then I remembered that two people are dead, and emotionally-scarred orphans are involved, so I stopped myself.
Gun nuttery is often self-correcting.
That would have made a great headline....
Good post, UL! If more people made these connections, the political will in this country might overwhelm the NRA propagandists and result in some civilized, 21st century gun ownership laws.
how the NRA became an established religion puzzles me. Growing up in the hills, guns were a part of everyday life. If you were going to use them you had one with you but even the hill folk knew that bad things happened if everyone were carrying their guns everyplace and if it's so dangerous you needed a gun with you all the time, you needed to move.
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