If only.
"It's the charge of the light brigade!" Rep. Michele Bachmann yelled to an assembled crowd of tea party activists Tuesday, which responded with rapturous applause. Bachmann apparently didn't know she had compared them to a unit about to die in battle in one of the most spectacular blunders in military history. Not counting the Bush/Cheney Iraq war.
"Oh, what did I say this time?" the total embarrassment asked when informed of the comparison.

Love the Zero Punctuation pic!
You know your country is done, dead and gone when dumb fucks like Bachmann can fill positions above fry cook.
You know your country is done, dead and gone when dumb fucks like Bachmann can fill positions above fry cook.
Now that was funny. I have to admit, what i like most about the republiscums is how incredibly stupid they are. Hilarious.
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