Asshat famous for saying stupid shit says something stupid again!!!
Right. Typical post from the conservatard blogodrome (this one is from instapundit):
“MSNBC’s Chris Matthews remarked on the air last night Obama gave the speech in the ‘enemy camp,’ which says a great deal about the radical left.”
Oh please. First of all, Tweety is in no way a liberal, much less a member of the “radical left.” This is the same jerkwad who called Awol von Bunnypants “redolent of the best of Reagan,” "the everybody's president," who "belongs on Mt. Rushmore" and "has guts" and who slobbered all over John McCain during the presidential campaign. The man is a complete nincompoop.
And so is the right. Matthews was implying that Prez Obama is not popular with the military, but fuck, its much more fun to overreact, take things out of context, and pull shit out of your ass to make even imaginary Dems look bad. Because all of us without ‘R’s emblazoned next to our flag pin ass-tattoos are damn commies who hate our troops.

Yep, he looks REALLY unpopular with the troops in that photo.
Following Abraham Lincoln, the Repukes have always had the more mean-spirited/selfish agenda, but in the past they were more devious and clever - - able to wrap themselves in sanctimony or a 'responsible' demeanor such that their carping criticisms (almost always petty and crassly political)SOMETIMES sounded plausible to the unenlightened ear. Now they're just desperate schoolyard rappers, spouting junk that has no meaning other than perhaps catharsis (and indirectly done at that).
Tweety was stupid for calling West Point the "enemy camp"!!
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