“I wish you Negroes would quit being so sensitive,” says idiot.
Glenn Beck: "‘African-American’ is a bogus, PC, made-up term. I mean, that’s not a race. Your ancestry is from Africa and now you live in America. Ok so you were brought over — either your family was brought over through the slave trade or you were born here and your family emigrated here or whatever but that is not a race. And I’m sure if I had any African-American friends they’d agree with me. Now quit your damn whining. I don’t identify myself as white, or a white American."Sigh. Unless you’re a Pawnee, Comanche or Sioux et al you should just shut the fuck up, white boy.

"Finally, a guy who says what people who aren't thinking are thinking." –Jon Stewart
At least he's not claiming some of his best friends are African-American.
We are all immigrants/invaders....
Beck is a bigoted, alcoholic retarded idiot and an immigrant/invader.
but we lump jamacian-americans into that group and they don't really belong, kwim?
You can not expect any better from a member of a religious cult based on treasure hunting and adultery.
Grandpa Eddie, you forgot that he joined the magic underwear people that for a price will have your ancestors moved over to the right side of heaven.
Beck can move millions if he just believes and forks over the cash.
Most of my known European ancestors (ignoring the fact that they all screwed around.) are well documented.
"Escaped slave. Scots. 10 pounds reward. Long beard, short black hair, missing left eye."
"Escaped pirate. Long black beard. gold ring in left ear. 5 pounds."
"Escaped serving girl. Believed to live with the Cherokees. Blond hair, brown eyes, speaks bad english. 12 years old."
"Escaped thief 8 years old. Brown hair, blue eyes. 5 pounds reward. Speaks Welsh."
Went through my mother's genealogy stuff after she died. She had at least 3 to 5 other genealogists letters telling her that one of my purported forefathers was the first man to be imprisoned in the Kentucky State Prison for horse theft. Everyone noted that he did his time, tracked down his son in the Ozarks and asked where his horses and slaves were. Son gambled them away. Father beat him so bad he crippled him for life. Then went down to Spanish Texas to steal enough horses to start over.
I am one of the few people that can say honestly that my ancestors were real thugs.
I could lie like everyone else but I did not choose my ancestors and neither did anyone else.
ANd you guys have HArry Reid on your side, fucking hypocrits, the bunch of you leftards.
we suck!
almost as bad as repugs!
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