"It’s the Bush economy, stupid."
Bwaaa! Former preznit Dimbulb Disasterdunce gets the blame for the country’s economic problems, a new Harris poll traitorously shows.
“The memory of that idiot George W. Bush and the state of the economy he left as part of his legacy still sticks in the craw of Americans,” wrote pollster Lou Harris in his analysis.And in the hard-fought battle for GOP supermacy? “Other” comes in at a close second to “Shit. I guess so. Sigh.”
Republicans were also split when asked to identify the most powerful figure in the GOP.I bet the highest write-in was Zombie Reagan. * snort *
Former fudgepacking Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney rated highest with 14 percent, but he was swamped by the 44 percent of respondents who were either “not sure” or would have picked someone other than the eight Republicans listed.
Truth be known, it was that asshole Reagan who really started us down the present economic road some 30 yrs ago. Of course he was more or less the chuckle-headed front-man, a role his 20-yr successor "W" unknowingly perfected.
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