March 16, 2002

'I don't know whether to laugh or cry'

- - an excellent article by W. David Jenkins III. Read the whole thing at America Held Hostile

" order for people to give me sound advice, that information not oughta be public." **- GWB in reference to a GAO lawsuit. 3/1/02

(snip) I just can't believe how far Bush has thrown America and all it stands for in the trash. Our standing in the international community is failing. We look like a schoolyard bully imposing a pathetically disguised sense of revenge because of a loser who squats in the White House thinking he represents the will of America. Plain and simple, Bush Inc. is making a mess. Our allies are worried and angry, our enemies are just plain mad as hell and half of America have no idea what the hell's going on.

* Opening picture: "Trio" by SuperStock at
**WHAT?!?!?!? He even SOUNDS like a whiny, snotnosed 7-year-old!! Fer petessake!!!

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