October 10, 2007

Yet More Ass Kickin'

With political reconciliation just around the corner in Iraqnam, even more signs of breathtaking progress and astonishing signs of normalcy are proving once again that we are kickin' ass:

Guerrilla violence left at least 57 dead in Iraq on Tuesday, with 22 killed in two truck bombings in the northern refinery city of Baiji. The violence left nearly 120 wounded. (The attacks in Baiji appear to have targeted a tribal sheikh allied with the US.) Guerrillas set off three major bombs in Baghdad. A private security firm based in Kuwait killed two women in a car, which apparently did not slow down as they had ordered. In the northern big city of Mosul, gunmen assassinated the deputy chief of police.
In other news, Britney Spears was seen in public actually wearing panties,the Reich-Wingnuts are still having teh vapors, Hillary Clinton is evil incarnate, John Edwards gets expensive haircuts, and B. HUSSEIN Obama is the second coming of Saddam Bin Laden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT parody UL! You're capturing the inane lack of perspective/proportionality of our MSM and probably too much of our US culture, as well as the blatent hypocrisy of the Reich-wing! Keep it comin'!