July 7, 2008


Conduct unbecoming --

Il DuceBag on Monday kept up his tradition of informal relations with fellow dissing world leaders by summoning Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper with a brusque "Yo Harper!"
The Prime Minister, a 'rather stiff and shy figure,' could only be grateful that Bush didn't yell it with his mouth full, or while massaging Harper's shoulders, or while Bush was picking his nose. Or Bush's own nose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck. I'm beginning to think that one of the main reasons the US is SO into militarism is that it's the only way this country can get any 'respect' (actually 'fear', but to stupid people it's about the same thing) from the rest of the world, because our leaders (especially the Bush clan) are embarrassingly inept at diplomatic niceties. The US must come off like 'trailer-trash' at a society ball... but the dangerous kind who have a loaded shotgun in their pickup's rifle-rack.