July 18, 2008

Rethug manufactured outrage-of-the-day

So far.

The drive-by lamestream MSM media isn't fawning over Saint McMaverick's bomb-bomb Iran, kill 'em with cigarettes, trollopy cunt, gorilla rape humor!!1!1!

"But... but... he's just being McCain!" is the latest rethug talking point. If by "McCain" you mean "an insensitive, crude and boorish jerk," yeah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that excuse first surfacing when Reagan's people used it (repeatedly) after his numerous gaffes - - AND IT WAS JUST AS FUCKING STUPID THEN! It's NOT an answer to a criticism, it's just a diversionary tactic to try to change the subject (to 'political correctness', etc) or begging for special indulgence. When someone does something that is critized, an honest person/group directly confronts the criticism and debates it (ie; 'no, your incorrect in your facts...' or 'our candidate feels that this is a valid point because...', etc).
Can you see a defense attorney in court getting up and saying "Let OJ be OJ" or 'Let Jeffrey Dahmer be Jeffrey Dahmer' ?? It'd be the lamest, transparently stupid defense you could imagine!

To me it always signaled the act of a desperate individual (usually some sychophant trying to justify his candidates latest misbehavior).