Hi guys, hope you are all well on this beautiful snowy day! Lava lamp on, kittehs watching the birds outside, inside finches meeping... all I need is a cigar. Oh yeah!
December 31, 2008
Posted by
12/31/2008 10:28:00 PM
Abu Ghraibzales can't recall why people should think he's a douchebag
Of all the fucking nerve... Bunnypants' pet AG, who turned the US Justice Department into an international joke, is now writing a book "to set the record straight."
"What is it that I did that is so fundamentally wrong, that deserves this kind of response to my service?" the torture-loving wiretapper said during an interview Tuesday.Right. Guess the fucker really can't recall.
During a lunch meeting two blocks from the White House, where he served under his longtime friend, Preznit Fuckwit, Mr. Gonzales said that "for some reason, I am portrayed as the one who is evil in formulating policies that people disagree with. I consider myself a casualty, one of the many casualties of the war on terror."Jeebus. THIS is a casualty of the war on terror:

And THIS, you son of a bitch:

Fucking shameless pathetic dirtbag. Go to hell.
Posted by
12/31/2008 12:49:00 PM
A WTF NYE PSM - numz!
Just in time for New Years Eve: the bacon martini. Garnished with candied bacon.
Serve the candied bacon on its own or as a cocktail garnish. Place some vodka and Applejack brandy in a shaker, with just a touch of amaretto and maple syrup. Shake with ice and pour into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with the candied bacon and a thin slice of apple (we do have to be somewhat healthful). Voilà. A candied bacon martini.
Posted by
12/31/2008 10:44:00 AM
December 30, 2008
Family De-Values!!!!
People getting divorced these days are still fighting over who gets the house, but not like they used to.
With nearly one in six homes worth less than the mortgage owed on it, according to Moody’s Economy.com, divorce lawyers and financial advisers around the country say the logistics of divorce have been turned around. “We used to fight about who gets to keep the house,” said Gary Nickelson, president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. “Now we fight about who gets stuck with the dead cow.”As a result, divorce has become more complicated and often more expensive, with lower prospects for money on the other side. Some divorce lawyers say that business has slowed or that clients are deciding to stay together because there are no assets left to help them start over.

Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/30/2008 04:03:00 PM
Re-Defining Pwned
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski PWNS ignorant Joe Scarborough on the Middle East.
Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/30/2008 04:01:00 PM
Add up the damage
Never forget the true Bush legacy, says a righteously pissed off Bob Herbert in this doozy of a NY Times op-ed:
This is the man who gave us the war in Iraq and Guantánamo and torture and rendition; who turned the Clinton economy and the budget surplus into fool’s gold; who dithered while New Orleans drowned; who trampled our civil liberties at home and ruined our reputation abroad; who let Dick Cheney run hog wild and thought Brownie was doing a heckuva job.
There seemed to be no end to Mr. Bush’s talent for destruction...
Word. But where was the Times and the rest of the press while all this was actually going on? Oh yeah: five miles up the collective asses of the misadministration. And while demonstrations are a damn good start, I'd rather hear a 'great hue and cry' to stick their miserable lying buttholes on a plane to the Hague. Fuck.
Posted by
12/30/2008 09:11:00 AM
Awwww. Poor baby
Should we send hugs and flowers??
I imagine New Orleans residents, who never recovered from Bush, are giving him a resounding one-finger salute right about now.
Dan Bartlett, former White House communications director and later counselor to the president, said: "Politically, it was the final nail in the coffin."
Even topping ignoring a certain PDB, then reading "My Pet Goat" during the 9/11 attacks. Or lying about WMDs. Or illegally wiretapping American citizens. Or sitting in his secret fort playing Pokemons while the economy tanked. Or

Posted by
12/30/2008 08:57:00 AM
Bitch, you trippin'?
Unwed, underage trailer-trash from North Bumfuck names spawn Zamboni Possum or something.
Moonshine all around!
Posted by
12/30/2008 08:50:00 AM
December 29, 2008
Time wasters
Posted by
12/29/2008 12:40:00 PM
Dueling headlines
Fuck you, TurdBlossom. Like you've been so right about everything the past few years.
Oh plz plz plz plz
Posted by
12/29/2008 12:27:00 PM
Major-league asshole says something
Vice President Dick Cheney warns that he and his wife plan to divide their time between their homes in Jackson, northern Virginia and Hades after Cheney thankfully, finally gets his walking papers next month.
Cheney says he has no desire whatsoever to return to the dictatorshi elected office. He says he's loved his career in politics and torture, but there comes a time to step aside and shoot at people full-time.
Cheney spoke from his home in Jackson, where he's been spending time ripping the heads off puppies and drowning bunnies.
Posted by
12/29/2008 12:16:00 PM
Sen. Craig's stall craps out as tourist stop
The men's room at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport where Republican Sen. Larry Craig was arrested in a sex sting is losing it appeal as a tourist stop, an official said.Yeah, that worked well.
Craig was accused of soliciting hot hot hot gay sex in the bathroom in June 2007 and pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in August 2007.
One person had offered to buy the restroom stall for $5,000, a spokesman said, but airport officials "don't sell fixtures for novelty purposes."
The gay not-gay gay Craig — who has maintained his innocence and heterosexuality - said he only pleaded guilty to keep the embarrassing situation quiet.
His spokesman said in a press statement that Craig was "glad he could finally put the situation behind him."

Posted by
12/29/2008 12:06:00 PM
December 26, 2008
In their efforts to win over notoriously fickle warlords and chieftains, the CIA has offered up some solid incentive to get them to thrust into the battle and offer some stiff resistance
The Afghan chieftain looked older than his 60-odd years, and his bearded face bore the creases of a man burdened with duties as tribal patriarch and husband to four younger women. His visitor, a CIA officer, saw an opportunity, and reached into his bag for a small gift.Talk about hard intelligence.
Four blue pills. Viagra.
"Take one of these. You'll love it," the officer said. Compliments of Uncle Sam.
The enticement worked. The officer, who described the encounter, returned four days later to an enthusiastic reception. The grinning chief offered up a bonanza of information about Taliban movements and supply routes -- followed by a request for more pills.
Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/26/2008 05:08:00 PM
As former winners of this coveted award, we would like to offer congratulations to the winners of this year's The 2008 Golden Monkeyfist Awards.
Our winning streak has been broken. It was lonely at the top.
Go and check it out.
Great stuff.
Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/26/2008 05:01:00 PM
December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
... and happy holidays to you all, dear friends!
Posted by
12/24/2008 10:26:00 PM
Breaking News
White House Christmas: Cheney Gives Enriched Uranium Again
According to several people on Mr. Cheney’s list, he has given enriched uranium for the past five Christmases. He has not revealed publicly where the uranium was obtained, or when.In related news.....
In Lab Tests, Anthrax Spores Die When Exposed to Cheney
Heh......have a Merry one.

Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/24/2008 11:25:00 AM
December 23, 2008
President-elect ABama
He's a baaaad mofo!
Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/23/2008 04:59:00 PM
Oh Noes!!!!!
Reich wingnutosphere has preditable majos pissyfit over b. HUSSEIN Osama Obama's plans to use the Koran Lincoln's Bible for the swearing in.
On January 20th, President-elect Barack Obama will take the oath of office using the same Bible upon which President Lincoln was sworn in at his first inauguration. The Bible is currently part of the collections of the Library of Congress. Though there is no constitutional requirement for the use of a Bible during the swearing-in, Presidents have traditionally used Bibles for the ceremony, choosing a volume with personal or historical significance. President-elect Obama will be the first President sworn in using the Lincoln Bible since its initial use in 1861.The real question is, which prominent Reichwingnut wackoff will TAKE CREDIT for pressuring Obama to not using a Koran?
Or maybe it's just that the Koran will be hidden INSIDE the Lincoln Bible.

Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/23/2008 04:30:00 PM
Time wasters
Posted by
12/23/2008 03:39:00 PM
Only a quarter of Americans think Cheney is the worst vice president ever
Though most republitards thought he was almost as awesome as Sarah Failin could have been, six out of 10 independents and eight in 10 Democrats gave dick Cheney a rating of 'poor' or 'worst ever' in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll. Wtf?
"On the Sunday talk shows, Cheney took on the job of making an affirmative case for the Bush legacy," said Pete Holland, CNN polling director. "But the messenger got in the way of the message as soon as his snarling, blood-splattered phiz came on screen."
Posted by
12/23/2008 03:34:00 PM
Oh please
Obama should not pursue war crimes prosecution because it would be a partisan attack, says partisan attacker Mort "cornhole" Kondracke:
The motive behind such efforts is not — as claimed — "truth" or "justice," but political vengeance.
Blowjob. National unity my ass. And you can blow me, you hypocritical motherfucker. Accountability for war crimes is not "vengeance," you chickenshit little fuckweasel. Remember this? Rule of law! Rule of law! Shoe's on the other foot now, isn't it, you smarmy little shit. I sincerly hope all your neocon pals and their fucking retarded POS monkey-puppet are fucking called to the Hague, you cumdribbling bastard. Fuck you.

Posted by
12/23/2008 03:32:00 PM
The simple human decency of George W Bush: warmongerer, liar, torturer
A moran actually named "Moran" writes in the ironically-named American Thinker that Der Chimpleton is an unsung fucking saint because he reportedly "sent personal letters to the families of the more than 4,000 troops who have died" in his two clusterfucks, one of them being his vanity/revenge war against "the guy who tried to kill [his] dad."
Right. And I'm up for a fucking Pulitzer because I write stuff. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to feed my unicorns.
Posted by
12/23/2008 03:30:00 PM
260,000 breasts turn up
It's "thanks for the mammaries" when 130,000 pairs of missing inflatable breasts intended for an Australian men's magazine finally turn up in Melbourne.
Posted by
12/23/2008 03:24:00 PM
Bush White House: Iraq is free -- to torture shoe-thrower
Winning hearts and minds:
A White House spokesman said Monday it was up to Iraq to handle the journalist who threw his shoes at beloved nincompoop Preznit CrashTest Dummy, after his brother alleged he had been tortured in custody."See, its a democritude, an' if they decide to torture him, they're free to do so thanks to me," Bush was reported as saying, before returning to his coloring book.
What phenominal progress! Democracy's on the march! It's another defining moment in our successful endeavor. So why does Muntazer al-Zaidi hate America, our troops?

Posted by
12/23/2008 03:17:00 PM
Tired old mumbler lands daily radio show somehow
Oh, that's right: he's republican. Of course somebody gave him air time.
Actor and failed presidential candidate Fred Thompson will bring his special brand of dynamic charisma to talk radio in March. His show, "Snoozin' with Fred," will be replacing "Shut Up! Shut Up, I'm Talking! With Bill O'Reilly."
In his show, Thompson "will share his conservative views on politics, topical issues and pop culture stories" -- because God knows there aren't enough damn rebooblitoads on the air doing just that already, and hell, because we all care what Droney McSleepersons thinks. More than that, we... need... to... know. We wait with bated breath to hear what yet another bloviating repuke douchenozzle has to say about the new Dem administration. Ditto-snores, Fred! Fuck.
Posted by
12/23/2008 03:16:00 PM
Troglodytic gpuke rubberstamper suddenly interested in oversight
Gee. Go figure. After 8 years of doing NOTHING to hold the disastrous, lying Bush misadministration accountable for anything, tiny-dicked rethug congressman Darrell Issa is already gearing up to investigate the Obamastration. Which isn't even in office yet, the hypocritical shit.
Posted by
12/23/2008 03:07:00 PM
December 22, 2008
He knows if you've been bad or good
Sorry for the light posting: we've waited until practically the last minute to do anything holiday-related and now we're rushing around like loons. Shopping, cooking, wrapping, decorating, cleaning, plus one of us will have to walk down and shovel the mailbox out one of these days. Anyhoo, here are some things that caught our eye today:
Posted by
12/22/2008 05:07:00 PM
Happy Winter Solstice Celebration!
Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/22/2008 04:27:00 PM
No, Really, and I Apologize, buttFuck You!
As the destruction of the middle class continues, let's just Destroy What the UAW Built:
The UAW not only built the American middle class but helped engender every movement at the center of American liberalism today -- which is one reason that conservatives have always held the union in particular disdain.How much would Bubba and Joe-Bob be making while working Hyndai, Toyota/ whothefuckingeversaki foreign automaker be making if it weren't for the anti-capitalism, anti free market UAfuckingW? About 10 bucks an hour, working as a temp. Without bennies. Of course, it wouldn't last......some guy named Hoolio down by the school yard would end up taking his job for 5 bucks an hour.
Over the past several weeks, it has become clear that the Republican right hates the UAW so much that it would prefer to plunge the nation into a depression rather than craft a bridge loan that doesn't single out the auto industry's unionized workers for punishment. (As manufacturing consultant Michael Wessel pointed out, no Republican demanded that Big Three executives have their pay permanently reduced to the relatively spartan levels of Japanese auto executives' pay.)
Let's get real. The executives helped cause the present meltdown. The UAW did not.
Fun fact: $28 an hour would just about be the right amount for one parent to make while the other stays home and raises the kids, like my parents were able to.
25 million a year for the CEO is ok?
Jebus Hussein Christ.
The last action of a dying empire is to loot the treasury.
Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
12/22/2008 04:17:00 PM