May 1, 2009

Christian values

The more often Americans go to church, the more likely they are to support the torture of suspected terrorists, according to a new analysis.

Hey, if torture was good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for you!


Grandpa Eddie said...

Christians, Catholics, the Spanish Inquisition.

LanceThruster said...

I have a couple of xian friends and co-workers (I am an atheist) who vociferously declared their lack of concern over torture when the subject came up. The excuses were that we have more importantant concerns (the economy), and that we're the 'good guys' and that in almost every case, it's 'bad guys' who are at the receiving end of 'harsh interrogation techniques.'

It was tough shit for anyone who was innocent cuz it's their own fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time (based on their misfortune for being born in the wrong corner of the globe).

They were unconcerned about what repeated and egregious violations of the Constitution might mean to them; now or in the future, as the burden seems only to fall on those pesky third worlders.

I was ashamed for my species and fellow countrymen/women (and scared). I saw clearly illustrated the concept of what was known as "the good German." They saw no need to question or to remove the blinders. In fact, they seemed a little proud and reassured that our governemnt was going to such great lengths to protect us.

"Jesus, protect me from your followers."