May 4, 2009

The GOP isthisclose to finding the bottom of the bowl

The St Louis Trib's top ten conservatard jerkwads.


Grandpa Eddie said...

Well Jones got the first one right with Bachmann, but I would have put Gov Good Hair in second for his secession bullshit and then demanding Federal funds to help with the swine flu outbreak.

rdale said...

That's Salt Lake, not St. Louis; I read that editorial in the TRIB a couple of weeks ago. Utah may be the ***hole of the earth politically, but in Salt Lake City, at least, we aren't all rabid Rushbots. Now Utah County, down'ta Th'Y (or south of SLC, where BYU is located); that's another matter. They luvs them some Sean and Glen and Rush, just eats 'em up like Green Jello with shredded carrots... (obligatory Mormon cultural reference)

maru said...

woops, thanks!