The plot, like Lindsey Graham's gooshy parts at a choirboy concert, thickens --
When republicant Gov. Mark Sanford first vanished, rumor had it he had boarded a plane in Atlanta.
Later CNN reported that his car had been found in the Columbia, South Carolina, airport parking lot.
Then Fux Noise this morning breathlessly stated that the Governor, rather than hiking naked, had taken a cruise.
Well, he's back. And the story he's going with? It's a beaut:
Sanford arrived in the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport this morning, having wrapped up a seven-day visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina.A seven-day trip. To Buenos Aires. Without telling his wife. Awesome.
Sanford said he had not been hiking along the Appalachian Trail, as his staff said in a Tuesday statement to the media. Sanford's whereabouts had been unknown since Thursday.
UPDATE!! From CNN Breaking News: "S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford -- after days when his whereabouts were unknown -- says he has been unfaithful to his wife."
A woman from ... Argentina. "It's nothing new; he just got caught this time, " says his former chief-of-staff.

I e-mailed my brother in S.C. first thing this morning and said "your gov is a fucking whack-job"
Little did I know how whacked he truly is.
At least he's banging a hot latin lady and not some duck belt wearing country club lush named Muffy.
Oh, and P.S.
I loved the part in the presser where he was talking about "it sparking up"
His dick shoots sparks!!!!!!
Maru, I'm truly aggrieved that you failed to mention that the information about Naked Hiking Day was given to the press by one Woody Lipps. I was having all kinds of man-meat fantasies about Woody and the Gov till this disclosure. Also, how sad is it that you FAILED to point out that the GOP is down on their collective knees suck- I mean, thanking GAWD that at least the Gov was schtupping a LAYDEE?
and one Buenos Aires poster made the priceless claim:
Maria in Argentina USED to be MARIO.
Almost makes one believe in a gawd or two or three.
While at the same time DKos posted this morning that Ted Haggards boy toy has evidence that Sanford was his client too.
your gov oops!!! its deaf and dumb.
You and your Maria in Argentina both of you Brainlesssssssssssss.
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