It's gotta be a budget: it's got lots of numbers in it
Bunnypants talks to Faux Nooze gasbag Bill O'Reilly, September 28, 2004:
O'Reilly: How will the federal government ever pay off the federal deficit, in your opinion?
Bush: By being fiscally wise and growing our economy. {Chirp!}
O'Reilly: Do you think it can be paid off in our lifetime, though?
Bush: The deficit, yeah. You mean, for, - have the revenues exceed the expenses in the budget? Didn't Karl have you sign a loyalty oath?
O'Reilly: See, we have a big deficit here…
Duh-byuh: You're talking about the debt or the deficit?
O'Reilly: The deficit, touchhole!
The CEO preznit: Yeah. {Sound of synapses frying}
O'Reilly: Well people are saying that because we have to fight this war on terror, because of the tax cuts, oh and you know how the propaganda, it’s all over the place… {Ed: 'propaganda'??}
The MBA from an Ivy League school guy: No, I think we can - of course I think we can balance the budget - as a matter of fact, I put out a hand, a budget that says we’ll cut it in half in five years, now, that's going to mean that the Congress has got to be fiscally wise, with our money. 'Put out a hand'?? Well, at least I didn't say 'at the whim of a hat' again. Anyways, please let him change the subject, please, Jebus
O'Reilly: All right, do you think you got any preferential treatment getting into the Air Guard during Vietnam?
Bush: Cool! Easy! No. I don’t. As a matter of fact, the general that - or the commander of the unit Buck Staudt, said, said the same thing. No.
O'Reilly: So you don’t think you got any preferential treatment because you were a Bush
Bush: I don't. If I did, I have, I’m not, - I’m not aware of it, and again, the, commander of my unit, Buck Staudt, said the other day, publicly, I got no preferential treatment. {So phthththththth!}
- transcript was "edited for clarity" by Fux.
Bill O'Reilly gets ready to
blow the pResident.