May 16, 2002

"Knowing Much, Bush Did Little to Protect America":

When people first raised questions about President Bush's scared-chicken behavior on September 11, they were buried in patriotic abuse. But think about it. Consider the bare facts: The attacks happened on George Bush's watch. He was in charge. And he now admits to having known in general what was going to happen. Terrorists were slipping into the country. They were studying at American flight schools. They intended to hijack planes. They were financed by Osama bin Laden.

Knowing all of this, Bush still left us totally undefended. And for this performance, his approval ratings soared.

If Bush knew so much, how come he did so little on September 11? Instead of letting his handlers move him from place to place in an utter fog, he could have returned to Washington immediately and, as commander in chief, taken charge. He could have alerted the military, which ought to have had planes in the air moments after the FAA control learned of the takeover.

Bush was much more careful when it came to defending his political power. He and his managers managed to spin his response to the attacks so well that approval ratings soared to all-time highs. Clutching his halo, the president then began pushing for various rollbacks of freedom and constitutional process. They were old ideas for him, but he wrapped them in patriotic banners and sold them to the nation.

Blah blah - look ma, my balls dropped! - blah blah blah...

Democrats led angry calls today for the Smirking Cokemonkey to hand over a top-secret CIA briefing and an FBI memo that warned of potential hijackings by Osama bin Laden 's terrorist network weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks.

"What we have to do now is find out what the 'president' - what the White House - knew about the events leading up to the events of 9/11, when they knew it and, most importantly, what was done about it," said House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, finally. Nice to see you out of that tutu, Dick.

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