How'd it get to be Monday already?!
Tonight's mission is to look for fireflies. We should be able to start seeing them anytime now.
The insane sparrow living by the veggie garden finally found a mate, so we won't be hearing his incessant peeping anymore.
There were two sightings of a big female wild turkey in the front yard this past week. Now if I could only lure her within shovel range.....(only kidding).
It's getting to be almost impossible to do anything on the computer on weekends - it was moving so slowwwwwwwwly yesterday that I kept getting those timed-out messages for all my favorite sites. I finally gave up in disgust and went off to play with the kittens and with Merlin - we did so much singing that I went hoarse. His favorites were "Shall We Dance" from The King and I and "I Wanna Be Sedated" by the Ramones, which means I have to find a truly offensive song for him to learn in case I ever get company. Suggestions are welcome - this is what I have so far:
1. "Springtime for Hitler", from The Producers
2. "Merry F*cking Christmas", from South Park
3. "Big Balls", by AC/DC
I'll be adding a notification thingie as a try-out. If you'd like to get a message when the site is updated, please sign up!
Actual Letter to the Editor:
"Bad Guys as Needed. How convenient. Whenever the heat is on this Bush administration, it can just dip into the pool of hundreds of detainees and pull out some shlub to be crowned "Evildoer of the Month." And how embarassing it must be for the media to not be able to even ask tough questions about the civil rights of and future due process for this man, Jose Padilla. Instead the media trot out "dirty bomb" talking heads and play into the scare game orchestrated from the White House. Who among us can believe any of this?" - (From NY Newsday).
You go, dude! Hope he didn't use his real name.
Operation Enduring Poll Numbers: the Pink Tutus' Latest Performance:
Prominent Democrats in Congress called Sunday for removing Saddam Hussein from power, endorsing a classified Bush administration plan that gives the CIA broader power to take action against the Iraqi leader. The administration "is trying to bring about a change in regime...I think it is an appropriate action to take," said House Minority Leader Dick "Fluffy" Gephardt, D-Castrato, appearing on This Weak.
Gephardt and other members of Congress - both Democrats and repuglicans - cited Saddam's alleged pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and violations of United Nations resolutions and international law as justification for such a move. Senate Majority Leader Tom "Isadora" Daschle, D-Pantywaist, said he is satisfied with the degree of consultation so far between the administration and Congress on the plan. "Squeal! Wheepwheep!"
"If Saddam Hussein's around five years from now, we've failed," said Sen. Joseph "Kneepads" Biden, D-Dickless, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to look for my garter belt." - (From Yahoo nooze).
Bravo! Hope you guys won't be shilling for donations to the DNC anytime soon!
Quotes of the Day:
"[W]e are entitled, in a world where what the US President says may affect all our lives, to expect something better than the overblown claims and ignominious climbdowns that are the hallmark of this ignorant, inept administration. Frantic displays of patriotism, random round-ups of hundreds of foreigners and unverifiable claims about imminent terrorist attacks cannot conceal the fact that its members do not know what they are doing; any day now, I expect to hear that Switzerland, or perhaps Belgium, has been added to the axis of evil. It is not just Mr Bush, as I naively hoped, who is absolutely clueless." - Joan Smith, in The London Independent.
"Bush defined our problem when, following the Sept. 11 attacks, he said the terrorists attacked us 'because we are freedom's home and defender.' So Bush (with ample help from pliant, poll-reading congressional Democrats and an amenable public) set about removing America's freedoms. How clever. When the the job is finished, when all our freedoms are gone, we'll finally be safe. The bad guys will no longer have reason to hate us. What a brilliant scheme! " - Harley Sorensen, in The San Francisco Chronicle.
June 17, 2002
Posted by maru at 6/17/2002 05:59:00 PM
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