December 18, 2002

With friends like these, who needs Democrats?
Trent Lott complains about White House leaks in connection with controversy over racial remarks -

From Senate racist leader Trent 'Waaaaa!' Lott, fighting to surmount a furor over his racially insensitive remarks, complained Wednesday about anonymous White House leaks calling for his demise.

''There seems to be some things that are seeping out that have not been helpful,'' Lott said after a speech to the Chamber of Commerce in Biloxi, Miss. ''I understand how that happens because you've got a lot of people who work there that have different points of view. But I believe they do support what I am trying to do here and the president will continue to do so.''

Meanwhile, the Coward of Crawford remained hidden in his secret fort under the Oval Office Desk. Though various spokes-tools, more often than not Ari 'the Liar' Fleischer, have reiterated that Lott should keep his job, Squinty the Chickenhearted has repeatedly dodged questions about Lott since he pimpslapped the senator last Thursday.

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