April 1, 2003

When Telling The Truth Will Get You Fired From The Networks
'When NBC - which is owned by the White House General Electric, a prime military-industrial complex contractor - decided to fire Peter Arnett for the thought crime of plain speaking , it was undoubtedly responding both to pressure from the White House (which accused Arnett of "pandering" to the Iraqis) and to the imperatives of its MSNBC ratings chase against the gung-ho, pro-war bushlapping fascists frothers of Faux Fox "news" News.

'Of course, these are rather commonsense observations of the sort that can be read daily in the pages of our newspapers, and which even find their way onto U.S. television. Yet when the Neocon Bullshit Cartel NBC snatched the mic from Arnett's hands, on Monday morning CNN's primo WH asslicking toady Jeff Greenfield rushed to endorse the veteran war correspondent's firing.

'Greenfield accused Arnett of pro-Iraqi "propaganda." Well, Jeff, one should never judge a book by its reader - and Arnett's matter-of-fact account of the effects of reports on civilian casualties revealed nothing not already known to your average news consumer, both here and abroad.' - You ignorant slut. Snipped from Doug Ireland's column. Comments inserted by some free-thinking patriot.

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