May 10, 2005

'Senate minority leader Harry Reid apologizes for calling the president a "loser." Says what he really meant to call him was "ineffectual, pig-headed, imbecelic, greedy, oafish, incompetent, feeble-minded, lame-duck flunky buffoon."'
- headline at Fark.

Look at me! Look at meLook at meLook at meLook at meLook at meLook at meLook at me
How very statesmanlike.

After Bush finished, [Latvian President Vaira] Vike-Freiberga then explained that they would take four questions - one for each president. Again, Bush tried to interrupt, saying, "Or you can have all four questions to me."

Vike-Freiberga ignored the remark as she called on a Latvian journalist, and Bush threw his arms up and looked to help from aides offstage. The Latvian journalist said he would prefer to question the US leader, and Bush responded, "Yeah, I thought that might be the case."

Spoiled smug self-important arrogant smirking snot.


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