March 24, 2006

Blaming the messenger
"How can you not trust Bush?" says Chris Matthews after zipping up Bush's fly.

MATTHEWS: Gayle Taylor criticized media coverage of the war in Iraq at the president’s town hall meeting with military families just yesterday. Her husband, Warrant Officer Kent Taylor, served in Iraq for a year with the Army National Guard’s mobile public affairs detachment and was a broadcast journalist for the Army National Guard. Welcome to you, both. I have to start with Gayle. What moved you to make that very strong statement at the meeting yesterday with the president? ...

MS TAYLOR: Braaaaak! I'll believe anything Mr Mehlman tells me! The liberal media hates our dear leader! 9/11!

MR TAYLOR: In some aspects, I believe there could very well be a political motive. I know, for a fact, that there are members of the media who are bitterly opposed to our president, the Christian values that he believes in, the decisions he makes, and even the party he stands for.

MARU: Oh holy fucking Chr*st. Yeah, that's it. Asshat.

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