April 21, 2006

New WH chief of staff may shitcan aging Bush teenybopper
No-talent assclown Josh Bolten's next victim may be Preznit Poopypants' adoring pet counsel Harriet Miers, an "influential republican" has said. Yes, the same Harriet Miers that Bunnypants picked for the Supreme Court.

Mr. Bolten is said by a number of republicans in Washington to feel that Ms. Miers is indecisive, a weak manager and slow in moving vital paperwork through the system.

"She's also been spending way too much time gazing at Josh's Wall o' Bush hand pics," said an anonymous staffer.

Moving Ms. Miers would be a strike at the heart of the Great Decider's emotional bonds in the White House and would eliminate another Texan from the circle he has kept close to him in Washington. Republicans who talk regularly to senior West Wing advisers say the president has been unhappy and on edge about the staff changes that he nonetheless sees as necessary for revitalizing the West Wing.

"Poopies! No way!"

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