November 16, 2006

Sorry, I'm washing my hair that night
Newly elected Congressman tells Bush to bag it.

While his fellow incoming freshman were attending a private White House reception with [Doofie McIdiot] Monday night, Rep.-elect Keith Ellison had what he considered a more important appointment to keep.

"I went to the AFL-CIO reception, because I wanted to meet and greet leaders of labor, and get to know them," Ellison, D-Minn., said Tuesday. "Those are the people who I came here to support."

"It wasn't even a close call," added Ellison.
In a related story, maybe CNN's Glenn Beck - who is white and of German descent - should prove to us all that he's not a fucking Nazi: Beck to Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress: "What I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.'" Disgraceful.

- m

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