April 9, 2007


Anonymous said...

God, that is a very beautiful
picture.Keep up the great pic

ThePoliticalCat said...

ohNOEWS!!@!# Maru hasn't blogged for a whole day and a harf. You OK, Maru? We can't survive without Our Daily Crankpot News, yaknow.

Anonymous said...

"But the sleepy little burg of Whozleton, Pa. was suddenly stunned when Jebus fired his rainbow gun into the local makeout mountain, frying two young billygoats engaging in self-gratification abominations."

"Forgot the Pope was playing with it last night, should have checked to be sure the safety was on, sorry" was His weak excuse. "But I warned those two last week I wouldn't stand by and allow their disgusting perversions to continue."