April 29, 2007

The Secretary of State is a bad liar.

I..err... imminent threat? Who ever said anything about imminence?

RICE: The question was…how long were you going to wait, given that it appeared that the situation was getting worse.

GEORGE S.: Well, looking back, do you think that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States?

RICE: I think that…uh…an imminent threat? Certainly Iraq posed a threat, and the question was, was it going to get worse over time, or was it going to get better?
A threat? You said there would be mushroom clouds over Manhattan, Condi. You guys told us the skies would rain death. You fucking fascists played off of American fear--and you played us (well, those who couldn't see through the lies to begin with, I guess) like a finely tuned fucking fiddle.

And now, you and Richard Perle, and Kristol, and Wolfowitz, and Turdblossom, and all the pundits, want to rewrite it all, like it never really happened. But we remember the lies. And your weak attempts to change the argument.. "well, er... yeah... Saddam didn't HAVE weapons... but... uhh... he WANTED them."... "derrr... well, uh... the threat wasn't imminent, but we weren't being LITERAL when we said 'imminent' it was more like a metaphor of what it would be like in 20 years if we didn't invade right away." They won't work. Because we remember.



Anonymous said...

EXACTLY 'JC'!! And what's also incredibly galling is that these Neo-con assholes can apparently get away with it (at least so far) in an age when we've got the MAXIMUM information exchange & retention technological capabilities - - newspapers, magazines, books, radio, TV are as prominent as they were in the 60's & 70's, but we've also got cable/satellite TV, 'teh intranet tubes', VCR's, DVDs, DVR's, even podcasts, and yet it's like the SCLM acts like there's NO historical record of these outrageously weak excuses that were offered up as 'reasons' for the invasion of Iraq. And it's not like this is incidental personal crap like Clinton getting a blowjob that affects only the participants involved and their significant others - - this is virtually as big as you can get...starting an aggressive war for oil rights/control.

Anonymous said...

Actually she played us like a Presidential skin flute!

Anonymous said...

I guess when she said Mushroom Cloud she meant either a morell or a portabello, which would be more tasty than her lying bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Where are the heros? All our men are fat with Cheetos and numbed with Bud, they're weak like little girls.

Anonymous said...

Oddly truncated comments there, jack shit and anonymous.

JasonC, good thing you qualified that remark "(well, for those who couldn't see through the lies to begin with, I guess)"

You "guess"??

What, like those of us who back in late 2001, through 2002 and into early 2003 posted the IAEA report, and the UN weapons inspector's reports from google showing it was all lies, on every place we could find, *might* have not gotten played like the same fiddle, or what? I personally posted rebuttals to that asshole Charles Krauthammer's repetitive articles in 2001 about how Bush needs to "act unilaterally" against "Threats."

This was PRIOR to 9/11/01.

That the millions and millions all over this planet that marched against this illegal invasion and withstood the herd's taunts, you "guess" might have less culpability?

Don't drag us down into the Neocon's shitpile, please. It's hard enough to hold my nose and look at this thing called D.C. from a distance.
And D.C. is my hometown.

I damn sure wish Yahoo! hadn't ended the comment feature in their news section.
Sure would like to go back and cut© some of my late 2001, 2002 and early 2003 predictions as to how Iraq and Afghanistan would end. I called it "rooftop departure redux".

Maybe it was comments like that, that caused the Zionist CEO Semel to end it, eh? Can't go having the masses giving their opinion, in an MSM format, of how their country should run. It's basic Neocon philosophy I.

THAT is THEIR exclusive domain, not to be shared with unwashed masses, thank you very much.

Need I mention that comments went @ 25 against Bush to every 1 Bush supporter?

Need I mention that every time Bush started getting reamed by comments, "something" would go wrong, and the comments would freeze???

Call me on it, I cut and pasted it to yahoo! security, many times. Very sophisticated hackers, my friends. Or insiders.