April 16, 2007

Sweet chocolate Jesus....

  • Sadr ministers withdraw from Iraqi govt over US troop nonwithdrawal: Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr ordered his ministers to quit Iraq's government on Monday in protest at Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's refusal to set a timetable for US troops to withdraw.

  • Bush tells Dems to withdraw Iraq withdrawal date: The petulant BubbleBoy on Monday set conditions for talks with Democrats on his $100 billion war funding request, saying the conditions were my way or the highway, defeatocraps he would not consider a troop withdrawal deadline.

  • "You arnt th' boss a me!"


    Anonymous said...

    Goodness, some crazed fool with handguns kills over 30 at Virginia Tech, and what statement does mental midget Bush release? "our prayers are with the families" and "The President supports the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms, but believes all laws must be followed."
    Yeah, no shit huh? Never would have Thought of THAT as the solution to nuts armed with hand held semi-automatics, Thanks George!

    Unless of course, it is a law Bush doesn't like, then he sets the example of how Americans can lie, torture, rape and murder Iraqis and Afghanis with impunity, setting the stage for today's massacre of innocents. Like in Iraq.

    Innocents die. No more warm kisses, no more reading blogs, listening to I-tunes, copping an artificial glow, no no, just worm meat.

    Like Iraqis face CONSTANTLY because WE ALLOW IT TO CONTINUE.

    Bush can illegally spy on Americans, then ADMIT IT without repercussions. The list goes on and on, ad nauseum. Laws broken, laws ignored, The "Justice Department" a GANG OF COMPLICIT CRIMINALS.

    No, I am not saying Bush is responsible for today's shootings. I AM saying the example shown and the societal standards set, come from the top.
    Just like in any business, organization or family.

    And we have a severely deranged president and vice-president leading America. Leading a severely deranged and frankly scarily murderous Fascist Party known as Republicans. Often joined by their not so covert operatives in the "opposition" Democratic Party.

    That's about right, isn't it folks? We are`allowing it to happen.

    Look in the mirror, see someone brave?

    I don't.

    Anonymous said...

    Yeah, I agree Farang, that we're all at least a little (or a lot, if you're a Reboob voter or non-voter) complicit in this tawdry US version of democracy. (Good link on this subject: http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/04/13/490/)
    But though most of us don't go to heroic lengths of martyrdom, there are definitely DEGREES of acceptance of evil, all the way from those who can't accept it and emigrate (or commit suicide)up through those who embrace it and are named GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, et al. We all have to find our balance points, but I firmly believe that a person can't consider him/herself as a truly ethical, moral person if he/she voluntarily votes for "W" and friends -- the best that can be said for them is that they are willfully ignorant, like the 'good Germans' of yore.

    And I agree with you about the gun nuts. I can't bear to watch most of these 'Virginia Tech Massacre' (or the Columbine or the other predecessors) spectacles in the SCLM because they skillfully dance around the 800 lb gorilla of lack-of-gun-control in this country. All the handwringing and 'what-if' scenarios (ie; should security have done this or that or whatever) but DON'T discuss the obvious efficiency of guns for killing large numbers of people, and how little things like death penalties mean to sickos who just want to kill a bunch of people and then themselves. I too was turned off by Bush's tactless remark about "2nd Amendment rights" (which is NOT what the Supreme Court has decided in 1939,1969, & 1980 - - see link: http://www.bradycampaign.org/facts/issues/?page=second) during such a tragic occurrence -- you'd think by NOW that the shithead (or at least some of his slightly more compassionate advisors) would have the sense to at least not say anything about supporting phony 'constitutional gun ownership rights' during a time like this, but "W" never disappoints my lowest expectations.

    Anonymous said...

    As usual, I'm with farang and em.