Bush: 'She (Condi) Can Be My Date' Fox "News"
Condoleezza Rice has been President Bush's foreign policy tutor, sports buddy, national security adviser and his secretary of state.Bush came up with a new designation Wednesday at a dinner in his honor."She can be my date," the president said, reaching out his left hand to touch Rice's arm as they stood before the cameras at a dinner hosted by Prime Minister John Howard and his wife Janette at their residence, Kirribilli House. First lady Laura Bush had stayed back in Washington, saying a pinched nerve prevented her from taking long flights.Is there any doubt he's hittin' it?

C'mon DOWN, Mr President.
Why is even thinking about right wing sex always so..disturbing?
The old pinched nerve excuse? Is that the one she used after the twins were born?
I'm not anonymous...the intertubes tried to destroy my post.
I do not get it, but then there is virtually nothing about Dumbya that I understand except that he is a petulant moron.
Condi has played piano since she was young.
Isn't it just natural for a talented peinist to want to tickle the old ivory?
"pinched nerve" - is that what they're calling it these days?
shades of jocelyn elders..........
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