October 22, 2007

Clinton derangement syndrome

After last night's Fox GOP debate in Orlando, a bunch of ignorant, hateful morons -- excuse me, "Republican voters" -- sit down for a vicious circle-jerk with fellow inbred Frank Luntz:

"If Hillary is elected, she’ll end America as we know it."

"I think people have very long memories and what it was like to live through that hell and I don’t think people want to go through that again."
Yes, those hellish eight years of peace and prosperity. Surpluses. Consumer confidence. Job growth. Not having to pretend you're Canadian. Yeah, that would suck.


Anonymous said...

Geez, I hope those dark-lords of Repukelicanism are getting paid BIG bucks to play the transparent propagandists like that! I'ts getting to be so nonsensical that I'm sorry but I can't even take those assholes seriously as an intellectual/cultural threat. Sure they have their 10-15% of core miscreants whose brains are permanently twisted, but 75% of the population is finally starting to see this and is ignoring the 'used-car' salesman tactics.

(Luntz is so wrong - - people do NOT have long memories [fortunate for him & his ilk] and they do NOT consider the Clinton years a "hell", if one looks at polls. All these right-wing hacks are trying to play amateur PR men and crassly plant fantasy ideas in the minds of some of their stupider followers, ala a milder version of "The Manchurian Candidate")

Anonymous said...

You have forgotten the horror of Democrats getting blowjobs from WOMEN...that is a man's role according to the GOP lately.