February 21, 2008

Disgraced AG living the high-life, the miserable little shit

There is no justice. ThinkProgress reports that craven douchenozzle Abuto Ghraibzales, who turned the post of the Nation's Attorney General into a worldwide laughingstock, is getting paid brazillions to continue to make stuff up.

Former Bush doodie-wiper Alberto Gonzales gave a speech at Washington University, for which he was compensated $30,000. [The chickenshit] Gonzales agreed to answer only pre-approved questions and closed the talk to the press.

The Washington University student paper, however, printed an account of Gonzales’s address, noting that he compared his time in the Bush misadministration with the presidency of Lincoln.

If Lincoln’s presidency was instead a total fucking disaster where the Constitution was used as t.p. and its AG resigned in disgrace after condoning torture and repeatedly lying to Congress and the American people, anyway.

During his speech, Gonzales repeatedly made references comparing himself and the Bush administration to the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, suggesting that Lincoln was highly criticized during his presidency and is now highly revered.

Don't say it... don't say it...

Historians, however, disagree. Many are actually wondering “whether Bush, in fact, will be remembered as the very worst president in all of American history.”

Heh. I'm pretty sure that if Bunnypants left office the same way as Abe he'd still be remembered as a smirking privileged twit who nearly destroyed the economy, the environment and the nation's reputation, a petulant warmongering disaster in a 'mission accomplished' codpiece picking boogers out of his nose and telling fart jokes. Just a hunch.

Let’s not be hasty here. We need a thorough comparison:

Pre-Presidential Years
Lincoln: Overcame a deprived, uneducated childhood to become a successful lawyer.
Bush: After being born into privilege, drove every business enterprise he attempted into the ground despite Ivy League education.

Early Presidency
Lincoln: Rejected the advice of his Secretary of State to unite the country by declaring war on Spain and/or France based on false pretenses.
Bush: Started a war in Iraq on false pretenses.

Selection of Advisors
Lincoln: Appointed his fiercest rivals for the nomination to cabinet posts and ran for a second term with a member of the opposing party to inspire unity.
Bush: Not so much.

Lincoln: Gave the Gettysburg address reminding the nation that despite a major battlefield success, much struggle remained before victory could be claimed.
Bush: Appeared on the deck of an aircraft carrier in a flight suit in front of a banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished” nearly five years and thousands of lives ago.

Makes perfect sense to me but I think they are comparing the Chimp to the wrong Lincoln. Mary Todd Lincoln suffered serious mental illness including paranoid delusions following the loss of her son and husband during the war and was institutionalized by her surviving son in her later years. Given the delusional belief of the current occupant of the White House and his sycophantic followers that his administration will be seen as anything other than a catastrophic failure of historic proportions, I believe the Mary Todd Lincoln comparisons are far more apt.

-- Comment above by paleolib. Indeed.


Anonymous said...

Well, Abuto COULD just as well have worked for the Lincoln administration, after all, Lincoln used electronic surveillance on a far broader scale." So you never know.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Maru, I think you're right about Bush's legacy - - even if he was martyred right now, it would still probably only get his approval rating back into a TIE for the all-time lowest, which would be an improvement from where he's at now!

Anonymous said...

Another fine example of how the ruling-class no longer works for the people and just works for itself and its corporate sponsers. It would be nice to have a civil war this year, if only for the satisfaction of watching guys like Abu Gonzales running for their lives from the mobs.

Anonymous said...

Such a sad story, Mary Todd Lincoln's. Losing a son and then having your husband shot and killed while sitting next to you has got to take a severe bite out of your sanity.

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