May 12, 2008

It Was a Nice Day for a White Wedding

The Reverend Caldwell, who performed the marriage ceremony for Jenna Bush this weekend, a longtime religious adviser to Pretzelnut Tipsy O'Drinky has endorsed Barack Obama for President.

Who's more tipsy, Jenna or the cake?


maru said...


The Sailor said...

Hmmmph, 'white wedding' indeed.

If you look up 'bukkake' in the dictionary it has Jenna's face!

OK, it could be her face, it's hard to tell under all that makeup and cream filling.

Anonymous said...

Is that the groom? He looks like a certain smirky smarmy frat-boy drunken cheerleader we all know.

ThePoliticalCat said...

Who cares? This evil bunch of 'tards needs to disappear right out of the collective consciousness &mdash after leaving a lingering bad smell like a bean and garlic fart so we never let another member of the benighted fucking clan near the halls of power again.

Anonymous said...

"bean and garlic fart" :p