May 12, 2008

Poll finds GOP does not have monopoly on moron-Americans

A couple of stories today report on "lifelong Democrats" who would rather vote rethug than for b Hussein Osama. The reasons? Well, either they are

a) regular Faux Nooze watchers
b) lying about their party affiliation, or
c) just too fucking stupid

"He does not respect America -- won't wear a flag on his lapel, won't put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance," belched one mattress-soiling halfwit at Billy-Joe Jim-Bob's Bowl-O-Rama, downing a 6-pack of Schitz.

“I heard that Obama is a Muslim and his wife’s an atheist,” drooled another cretin.

"Where does his vast campaign money come from? One can only imagine. {They're called 'contributors' -- you know, the huge amount of people who support him and believe in his campaign. Idiot. - Ed.} Hillary Clinton had to add to her campaign with her own money, which shows strength of character {??? When I do that, it's called something completely different - Ed.} and determination in being what she believes and knows this country needs," another dandruff-eating myopic burbled.

“I want someone who is a full-blooded American as president,” spewed a monstrously detestable fart-sniffer, insisting he was not racist. And forgetting the fact that McInsame was born in Panama.

God help us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Call me cynical, kids, but I'm 60/40 about the possibility of McInsane winning. Of course it'd be horrible/stupid/apocalyptic and entirely inane, but don't overestimate the American public. I hope your right Maru that the special elections (w/Dem victories) are a harbinger of things to come, but I've been TOO disappointed in the past (ie; Nixon's elections in '68 & -- worse yet -- '72, that asshole Reagan twice, and I'm not going to upset my fragile constitution by opening the "W" wounds again) to believe that the US public has made a basic change in their attitudes. (I believed that in the mid-70's, only to see Ray-Gun elected in '80). The best we can realistically hope for is that they accidentally elect a good candidate, who is forced to lie his/her way through the primaries or else be defeated for being 'too smart', 'too moral', 'too weak', etc. Sad to say, but one of the best political 'comedies' I've seen recently is the movie "Idiocracy" with Luke Wilson/Maya Rudolph playing on cable recently. It's obviously very exaggerated, but it entertains the idea of wilful ignorance and it's political effects.