May 29, 2008

Profiles in courage: Fighting for a cause

Fighting for ... America.

Today's Fuckingly Stupidest Dumbass Faux-Outrage Bullshit Award goes to...

Psycho hosebag 'Michelle Malkin and her cadre of intrepid blogger-patriots, who have taken down the jihadist Food Network's #2 in command. No longer will Rachmael al-Ray be able to preach anti-American hate on "30-Minute Meals."'

(Thanks to for the headline)


Anonymous said...

Instead of dumping the add, Dunkin' and Ray ought to tack on a "and what goes great with our iced latte's? How about a one of our bagels!!! "Or try one of our egg and bacon breakfast sandwiches.!!!"

Anonymous said...

This has me seriously scratching my head. I looked at the picture and it didn't look Arabic to me at all. It's just a scarf! These wingnuts are crazy.

Anonymous said...

I think it's the Reich-wing just looking for ANYTHING that they can even vaguely misconstrue into what they perceive as a possible mainstream propagand point -- and failing in this attempt. Anything to obfuscate and push-off of the daily news their REAL agenda items (promotion of plutocracy, militarism, and 1890's status quo, for instance)

Anonymous said...

Bed-wetting alarmists are so not Yum-O!

HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

Why does Dunkin Donuts hate America?

If Rachel Ray makes baba ganouj on her show THEN THE TERRORISTS WIN!!!1

Anonymous said...

I am not going to ever patronize a Dunkin Donuts again after it reacted to what a demonstrably insane person had to say. I hope rational people in this country would do the same; otherwise the lunacy will continue and we all know how well that has worked out the last 7+ years.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, anonymous (if that IS your real name). Give the right an inch, they'll take a continent. Shame, too, because I really do like their coffee. And I don't know about other parts of the country, but where I'm at the DD workers are all youngish Pakistani immigrants, and they're so much cooler than the nose-ringed tip jar jockeys at Starbuck's. Plus they know what "light & sweet" means.

I've heard DD's management leans right, but that can't be. Only Democrats fold thus quickly.

Anonymous said...

Should read "fold THIS quickly." Unless the other way makes me sound sophistimicated.

Anonymous said...

I'm tempted to initiate a letter-writing campaign to Dunkin' Donuts, threatening a boycott if they don't reinstate the Rachael Ray Scarf ad.

Already running scared, they won't know whether to wind their butt or scratch their watch.