May 9, 2008

Tweety: "mmmmrrrrffff! mmmglglglgglll!"

Chris Matthews, continuing to "tongue-bathe" Saint McCain, claims it is impossible for the media to cover both the Democratic candidates and McCain at the same time. Because, well, ... look! Peanuts!

Matthews: "[A]s long as we focus on the fight between Hillary and Barack, and perhaps more recently just on Barack's problems, it blocks the sun -- the media, the public's attention -- from the problems that are obviously incipient and coming to be at some point with McCain."

Uh-huh. Because the ability to one day pick up a ball and bowl a perfect 300 is so important in today's troubled times.
Indeed, it was Matthews, who in a recent hour-long interview with McCain, failed to challenge McCain on several issues, including statements regarding Iraq policy, other foreign policy issues, campaign finance, and spending projects, despite purporting to ask "tough" questions, but did manage to ask the following question of McCain, which Matthews characterized as a "tough one":

"Is Barack Obama an elitist?"

Twice. He asked him that twice.

-- read more at Media Matters.


1 comment:

Distributorcap said...

matthews has been eating the poison meat bush wont let inspectors inspect

did you hear what he said about Hagee -- that the media should be talking about it

earth to tweety -- you are the media

big asshole