May 12, 2008

West Virginia, Mountain Momma..

Take me home, country road

“I heard that Obama is a Muslim and his wife’s an atheist,” said Mr Simpson, drawing on a cigarette outside the fire station in Williamson, a coalmining town of 3,400 people surrounded by lush wooded hillsides.
Josh Fry, a 24-year-old ambulance driver from Williamson, insisted he was not racist but said he would feel more comfortable with Mr McCain, the 71-year-old Vietnam war hero, in the White House. “I want someone who is a full-blooded American as president,” he said.
It's surprising that they didn't find someone that totally believes that Hamas loves Obama, that he doesn’t pledge to the flag, and he doesn’t wear a fucking flag pin. But then again, those are more complicated issues and it IS W. Virginia.
Fucking shoot me, y'all.


Anonymous said...

We're fucking doomed. Time to join an Armageddon cult -- can I still 'catch the comet' with Marshall Applewhite even if I don't buy Nike brand?

Anonymous said...

Bush in about 3 years.

ThePoliticalCat said...

UndieLib! Yer back!

Come to think of it, yer front, too.

Anonymous said...

All of this is actually more entertaining to West Virginians than anyone else. The media drives around the countryside looking for the most pathetic looking, poor bumpkins they can find. They ask them loaded questions, then pawn it off as the typical opinion of the state's citizenry. You never see them interview someone from a decently populated area Charleston, Huntingtom, or, heaven forbid, Morgantown. My God, they might actually be *gasp* articulate!

But what is REALLY fun is the complete and utter irony that ensues in which the "tolerant, progressive" types proceed to stereotype an entire state of people as prejudiced racists based upon the aforementioned dishonest journalism.

I really don't mind it. Shit cracks me up. It's kinda like watching Dr. Strangelove when the president gets pissed off at the American and Soviet officials for getting into a scuffle and declares, "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the WAR ROOM!"

To understand why Obama has no shot at winning West Virginia is rather simple. West Virginian Dems are much more conservative than Democrats in major cities. Ergo, they overwhelmingly vote for Clinton as she is the most moderate choice.

I suppose the state can now brag about being the biggest champion of feminism in the country.